Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Same Old, Same Old

Well, we are just sitting around and waiting for something to happen. The mustard is still the only thing that has come up. I take that back, there was some spinach poking through too. Today I just mowed the yard and then watered and fertilized the garden and flower beds.

A couple of days ago we put some strawberries and peppers in Topsy Turvys. I don't normally plant strawberries because they seem to take up too much time and space and we get very little in return. They don't seem to be faring too well in the planters.  They are really getting whipped by the wind.  Elijah wanted to plant some fruit (besides tomatoes he said), so we are giving them a go. I'm tyring to be optimistic about them.

The strawberry fiend, Elijah.  Actually fiend is rather appropriate!

In my flower beds, I added some caladiums.  I will probably get some more later to fill in a little better.  All of my flower beds are in the shade, so it is hostas and caladiums that I use for the most part.  I do have some calla lilies as well.


That's really all that has gone on this week.

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  1. WHEN did you plant your bulbs? I planted some caladiums AND some cannas over a month ago, I believe. In my realistic nature, I'm beginning to wonder if the bulbs were too dried-out. Although, they looked that way the day I bought them. What do you think?

  2. I cheated and planted plants. They should come up though in the next few weeks. I think cannas like it realy warm. Be sure to dig up the caladiums in the fall if you don't want to buy more. I usually forget and have to buy new ones every year.
