Not that you can really tell, but I did a little work in the flower beds. I planted some gladiolus bulbs in two of my beds and still have one more to go. In one I spread some zinnia seeds. I am hoping to have some flowers for arrangements during the summer. I will also sow a few cosmos seeds in the other bed. In the bed closest to the house I moved a few things. The daffodils were fading and so I bunched them together. It is probably better to wait, but I am terribly impatient. Then I moved the one surviving coral bell and added two more. I then planted several pansies as a border and two clumps of them in the center. (On a side note, that anything survived this dry winter is amazing, but that coral bell, about a dozen strawberry plants, and the irises all remained green (purple in the case of the coral bells) throughout the winter.) Two of my hostas are peeking through. It shouldn't be long for the others to make their appearance. The only thing is that it may freeze again in a few days. I will have to bring in my lemon and lime trees again, especially since I almost killed them in the first frost of last fall.
Soil tests: pH is good, everything else, not so much |
Flat of pansies |
Doesn't look like much, yet!
Irises are doing well, now waiting for the rest to pop up.
We picked up some straw and fertilizer for the veggie garden. I think we may have to wait until Sunday to get that put down, but then i can get my broccoli, lettuce, and spinach in. It would have been better to get it in a month ago, but it will still produce enough for our needs.
It's getting busy around here. Most of that is on the other blog!
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