You can garden many different ways. You can put hours of work into weeding, tilling, watering, etc. With this your garden will probably look great and your back will probably hurt. You can put a little work into it but have weeds, fewer fruits of labor, and not a great looking garden but your back may feel better. You can throw some seeds in the ground and let nature take its course. Then you have more weeds than veggies and an overgrown plot of land that the neighbors call the city to complain about. But there is still another way. Lazy gardening. It is not really lazy, just more effecient ways to take care of everything from soil prep and weeding to wateringand harvesting. You can find 100's of websites about it and one of my favorite books is
Tips for the Lazy Gardener. I have checked it out at the library a couple of times and today i finally just ordered it from Amazon. Once I get it, I plan to put it to good use. I
will have a
great garden that looks awesome, produces loads, and I will not spend hours a day in it.
I was able to employ a little laziness in the this morning. First off, Jeff put 6 bales of straw on it, iIstill have trouble carrying heavy things that require both hands. I was going to go out later and spread it around. That many bales of straw usually takes about 3 hours to spread out evenly. Instead, we let the chickens out and 2 hours later, I have not set foot in the garden (by-the-way, March is going out like a lamb with a heavy wool coat) and my hay is spread out almost perfectly. A bonus, they will eat many of the wheat seeds that are still on the straw!
Ladies at Work