Friday, February 24, 2012

Next Few Days

The wind is supposed to die down over the weekend and Monday so it is time to burn some things!  (What is more Paleo than fire?)  Okay, that is the only Paleo reference in this post.  Our garden is full of last years plants and straw that is full of grass seeds and it needs to be burned.  We also still have a lot of limbs and a tree that came down in the wind storm last August.  I'm not sure how much of those will go up in flames, but I can get started.  Once all of that is burned, then I can get some horse poo to put on the garden.  Since we had so many weeds and grasses come up last year (way too hot to work much in the garden last year so I let them go) I will be using the cardboard and mulch method again.  It worked really well a few years back and until last summer I had not had many weeds a tall.

I also plan to get some spinach and lettuce going in the strawberry bed.  I haven't made it around to planting spinach the last few years, so I am ready for some fresh from the garden.  The Swiss chard I planted last summer did amazingly well through the drought and even into December.  Depending on how the spinach does, I may only plant chard from now on.

I did get my seeds ordered and I also plan to get a seed starting space set up in the laundry room.  Starting your own seeds is so much less expensive than buying plants.  You can also go with heirloom varieties and save the seeds from some of the produce for next year.  I ordered sweet potato slips again.  Last year's produced nothing.  I don't know if it was the heat or what.  They were well watered and fertilized.  I guess we'll see how they do this year.

I'll get some pictures of my progress.  I also have a lot to get done inside, so it will be a busy week end for sure.

1 comment:

  1. Aaaahhh...good reminder to get my own garden going!!! We've pretty much always started from seed, unless we're running late on something, in which case we cave in and buy plants!
