Monday, July 4, 2011

Just Stuff

Despite the heat, the garden seems to be doing okay.  It is having an adverse affect however.  Tomatoes and peppers don't bloom as much and if the nighttime temps are too warm, they don't set what does bloom.  There are several peppers and tomatoes that were there before the heat really set in, and they are doing well.  My sweet potatoes arrived while we were camping.  Out of twenty-four, only 9 lived, and 5 of those I had given to my brother-in-law.  My four are doing fine and I have a sweet potato in the house that is starting to sprout.  Next week I will divide it up and put the slips in the garden. Like I said, it is hot, especially for this early in the summer.  Lots of water, that's what it takes to keep a garden going in Oklahoma.

Beautiful Morning

Squash Bloom

Some of our bounty.  The green squash is an acorn squash I think.  Not sure because the seed packet was for a white, scalloped squash.

Two of four

The lambs quarter is starting to get big enough that I now consider it a weed.  Tomorrow I will strip the plants of their leaves and freeze them for future use.  Then I will pull  them up or chop them down.  They tend to have a very strong root system, so I imagine it will be chop them down.  I definitely don't want them to go to seed.

Now it's a weed

My flowers are looking pretty good in the bed by our front porch.  The others, they look okay.  I think the ones by the little house are just too shaded.  Even the hostas don't seem to like it over there very much.  The sunflowers in the garden have started blooming.  It won't be long until I'm fight with the squirrels for control over them.  Real squirrels, not Jeff and Elijah.

They are taller than me now...

...and they are blooming!
Morning Glory

Looking good

We are doing most of our work in the morning, including the mowing.

Look Mom, one hand!

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