I decided to go ahead with more strawberries. This time in the ground. I have a spot at the garden entrance that grows pretty much just weeds. It gets enough sun for grass, but it just never really has grown there. There were several decent sprigs of Bermuda there, so I dug them up and will sprig them in few bare spots we have in the yard. I added some organic garden soil to the area and dug it in. Then put in may new plants. I also put the roots from the ones in the Topsy Turvy. If they grow great, if not it only cost me 5 minutes of work.
Maybe these will grow!
I got the rest of the garden covered with hay (strawberries too). At least the ground. The potting soil bags that we planted in I will leave uncovered until it gets a little warmer and the plants are bigger. This way the soil will get warmer and encourage growth. After the days are staying warmer I will cover them to keep them moist and cooler. Seems a bit odd, huh? Trust me, it's Oklahoma.
Finally covered!
We got the laying box that was in the yard moved into the duck pen and filled with hay. Maybe they will start using it. We have to hunt for eggs every morning because they don't seem to want to lay in the same spot for more than a couple of days.
Laying box gone
Got a lot accomplished this week. Got a lot of rain too. So far about 1.5" and it is supposed to rain off and on all weekend. So much for Senior pictures!
Panoramic view
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