Thursday, May 19, 2011

Everything's Coming up Roses

Except that I don't actually have any roses!

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There's more than this out there, and it's all coming up nicely.
Monday we (my Nice friend and I) planted a few more things in the garden. My spaghetti squash seeds had arrived in the mail, along with some free cucumber seeds. In the top end of the garden we made a few hills against the fence and planted the seeds. They should be up in a few days. I also planted some morning glory along the arch we made in the gateway to the garden.
There are hills there, promise.
I was tired of waiting for more dill to sprout up as well as my parsley, so I bought some plants and added them to the planters. I also put in some cinnamon basil.  My strawberries came in the mail yesterday, so I filled the bed with them.. For now all I really have to do is water and feed everything.

Top pic-basil (and mushrooms I can't eat)
Middle pic-Italian parsley and dill (a few chives too)

Strawberry plants

Now that the guineas are no longer a problem, the broccoli and peppers are doing much better!  We are still waiting on the grass to sprout.

All those little specks-Bermuda seed.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

More Pics to Come

We spent last Thursday and Friday cleaning up in the yard and planting some new flowers.  My veggies are rebounding from the guinea infestation.  Now, just to clear things up, most of my guinea info came from books and magazines.  They all tout the great benefits of them for the garden.  Well, I have solid proof that they aren't always beneficial.  Anyway, it was an experiment that will not be repeated.

We moved our brooding house (now the garden shed) a few feet and then we sprigged the area and spread some Bermuda seed.  Since we down-sized the garden, we put the fence back up and made an arch of sorts in the gate opening.  I'll grow some morning glory on it.  I'm still waiting for my sweet potatoes and strawberries to come in.   As soon as they do, 'll get them planted and then the garden planting will be finished!

I'll get new pictures posted  soon.

Oh yeah, I spelled broccoli wrong in my last post.  Just letting you know that I do know how to spell.

Promised Pictures....A Few Days Late

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Monday, May 9, 2011


Today I hope to get most of the rest of the garden planted.  I also hope to keep the guineas out of the garden.  Don't let anyone tell you that guineas are good for your garden.  They are lying!  They have stripped my brocolli to nothing and they are now working on the peppers.  They are going to have to go.  Oh, and they are eating my strawberries as they ripen.  Not real happy.  I will get some pictures posted tomorrow.